Storyboard API: Scene Object Parameters
Scenes object is part of Storyboard API and which is used to determine the Video/Visual for the specific scene. The Video is generated based on the text, audio or visual scenes to generate video preview.
Each Scene object can be represented by one of the following parameters:
- Text: Text using which video needs to be generated. Pictory AI will generate a video for each sentence given in the text parameter.
- Visuals/video blocks: This is represented as
in the scene object. - Article URL: The URL of the blog/webpage to be converted to the video.
NOTE: You must pass atleast of the mentioned parameter:
(video/visual blocks) in the scenes object.
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description |
text | text | text parameter specifies the text and optional background URI for generating videos. AI will generate a video for each sentence provided in the text parameter.In case backgroundUri is provided the text parameter here can be used as the subtitle.The text attribute also supports SSML tags for enhanced text-to-speech synthesis. Additionally, specific keywords in the text can be highlighted using tags. Example usage: <strong>sample highlighted text here</strong> |
mediaSearchQuery | text | mediaSearchQuery parameter allows you to input text specifically for searching background visuals, separate from the main content of your video. |
caption | text | This parameter enables you to provide text for subtitles, ensuring your audience can easily follow along with the audio content. If the caption parameter is not provided, the text value will be used as the subtitle text. |
captionLanguage | text | If the provided caption is in a language different from the scene text, specify the language of the caption. |
keywordColor | text Default Value: ## e2e2aad9 | Color of the highlighted keyword in the subtitle text. |
awsConnectionId | String | A unique identifier for the private AWS connection. |
articleUrl | URL | Pass the URL of the blog/webpage to be converted to the video. |
pptUrl | URL | Pass the publicly accessible URL of the PPT that is to be converted into a video. |
backgroundUri | URL | Background URL for Visual/Video Block. backgroundUri can be of two types: video or image. |
minimumDuration | Integer | The minimum scene duration that needs to be considered for backgroundUri |
backgroundType | Choice (image, video) | Type of backgroundUri can be one of the following:image video |
backgroundVideoSegments | BackgroundVideoSegments | This object defines the start time and end time of the video block. |
voiceOver | boolean Default Value: false | Whether AI Voice needs to be used in this scene. |
aiVoiceOvers | AIVoiceOver Array Minimum 1 Maximum 10 | aiVoiceOvers provides settings of AI Voice used to speak the text in the video scene. |
voiceOverUri | URL | Pass the URL of the custom Voiceover to be used in the video. |
voiceOverSegment | VoiceOverSegment | This object defines the start time and end time of the video block. |
subtitle | boolean Default Value: true | Whether subtitles need to be used in this video scene. |
useSpeakerNotes | boolean Default Value: false Valid if pptUrl is provided | Use speaker notes for narration if it is set to true ; otherwise, AI will generate script for the PPT. |
splitTextOnNewLine | boolean | This parameter is used to split the scene after each sentence. |
splitTextOnPeriod | boolean | This parameter is used to split the scene after each Paragraph. |
fontUrl | URL (Optional) | URL to a valid .ttf font file. |
fontFamily | Choice. Default value: Arial | Font of the Text. The supported Font list is mentioned here. |
fontWeight | Choice. Default Value: normal | Accepted values: [normal, semi-bold, bold] |
textColor | text Default Value: rgba(255,255,255,255) | Color of the Text in hex-code (eg: #FFFFFF) |
fontSize | Integer Default Value: 24 | Size of the text. |
textBackgroundColor | text Default Value: rgba(17,17,17,153) | The background color of the subtitle in hex-code (e.g: #FFFFFF) |
textShadowColor | text | The shadow color of the subtitle in hex-code. |
horizontalAlignment | Choice Default Value: left | Horizontal alignment of the text. Supported values are:left : Align text to the : Align the text to the center.right : Align the text to the right.` |
verticalAlignment | Choice Default Value: bottom | Vertical alignment of the text. Supported values are:top : Align text to the : Align the text to the center.bottom : Align the text to the right. |
zoomAndPanBackgroundImage | Boolean Default Value: true | The Image provided in the backgrounUri in the scene is automatically set to zoom and pan. To disable this feature, set the value to false. |
transition | Choice | Transition to be used between the current scene and the next scene. Supported Values: none , wipeup , wipedown , wipeleft , wiperight , smoothleft , smoothright , radial , circlecrop , hblur , fade |
muteBackgroundVideo | Boolean Default Value: false | To mute the audio playback of the video file used in backgrounUri scene set this value to true . |
loopBackgroundVideo | Boolean | To disable the looping of the background scene visual, set the value to false |
durationGainFixed | int | To extend the display duration of the scene, provide the duration in seconds using this parameter. |
durationGainPercentage | int | To extend the display duration of the scene, provide the duration in percent using this parameter. |
BackgroundVideoSegments object can be passed to tell the start time and end time of the video that needs to be clipped from the backgroundUri
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description |
start | int | The start time of the video that needs to be clipped for the video scene mentioned in scenes .backgroundUri |
end | int | The end time of the video that needs to be clipped for the video scene mentioned in scenes .backgroundUri . |
backgroundVideoSegments: [{
start: startTime,
end: endTime,
Updated 27 days ago