New Feature Announcement
Hey everyone, we have added support for the following features in our Storyboard API:
- Ability to add Brand-logo.
- Support for 9 Positions of Text in API. Till now we only supported subtitle positions in API.
- Apply more Text-Styles.
- Ability to add Intro/Outro.
Sample Storyboard Request Object
1. Add Brand Logo
Now you can add brand-logo to your videos by adding brandLogo
object to the Storyboard API.
"brandLogo": {
"verticalAlignment": "top" , //Supported values: top, center, bottom.
"horizontalAlignment": "right" //supported values: left, right, center.
2. Add Text Styling
With this new release, we support multiple text styles, Sample textStyles
object is mentioned below:
"fontFamily": "Roboto",
"textColor": "#7000FD",
"fontSize": 32,
"textBackgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"verticalAlignment": "bottom", //Supported values: top, center, bottom. Default value: bottom.
"horizontalAlignment": "center", //supported values: left, right, center. Default value: left.
"fontStyle" : "italic",
"textDecoration: "underline" //underline,strikethrough
Just provide textStyles
object to the Storyboard API.
2.1 Adding Text Style to Scene
You can also choose to modify the text style of any particular scene. The sample scene object is mentioned below:
"scenes": [{
"text": "Thank You for watching the video. This video demonstrated the Pictory API capability add Brand Logo and multiple Text Stylings",
"voiceOver": true,
"fontSize": 40,
"splitTextOnNewLine": false,
"splitTextOnPeriod": true,
"horizontalAlignment": "center",
"verticalAlignment": "center",
"fontFamily": "Roboto",
"textColor": "#7000FD",
"fontSize": 32,
"textBackgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"verticalAlignment": "bottom", //Supported values: top, center, bottom. Default value: bottom.
"horizontalAlignment": "center", //supported values: left, right, center. Default value: left.
"fontStyle" : "italic", //supported values: italic, normal
"textDecoration: "underline" //underline,strikethrough
With the verticalAlignment and horizontalAlignment for text, we now support 9 positions for Text inside the video.
Supported text positions are Top-Right, Top-Center, Top-Left, Bottom-Right, Bottom-Left and Bottom-Center. Center-Left, Center-Center, Center-Right
3. Intro / Outro Scene
With this feature, you can now bring your own visuals and add them as an Intro scene and an Outro scene using Storyboard API.
"scenes": [
"backgroundUri": "",
"text": "",
"backgroundUri": "",
Just remember, the intro-scene shall be the first scene of the Scene Object and the outro-scene shall be the last object of the Scene object.
Updated 3 months ago