This endpoint generates a transcription/subtitles for the video supplied. The response includes txt (full transcription), and srt/vtt with caption timings.
Supported Languages
- en-US - English, US
- en-AU - English, AU
- en-GB - English, UK
- en-IN - English, IN
- en-IE - English, IE
- en-AB - English, AB
- en-WL - English, WL
- fr-CA - French, CA
- fr-FR - French, FR
- de-CH - German, CH
- de-DE - German, DE
- it-IT - Italian, IT
- es-ES - Spanish, ES
- es-US - Spanish, US
- nl-NL - Dutch, NL
- pt-BR - Portuguese, BR
- ja-JP - Japanese, JA
- ko-KR - Korean, KO
- ru-RU - Russian, RU
- hi-IN - Hindi, IN
- ta-IN - Tamil, IN