JUMP TOPictory APIsAPI Reference/v1/oauth2/tokenpost/v1/video/storyboard/fontsget/v1/media/searchget/v1/jobs/{jobId}getPrivate Cloud Connections APIPrivate AWS Connections APICreate a new AWS connection to Access Private S3 AssetspostGet all AWS connectionsgetGet details of a specific AWS connectiongetUpdate an existing AWS connectionputDelete an AWS connectiondeleteMedia File Upload APIUpload Media Files to Blob StorageGenerate a signed URL for file uploadpostVoiceOvers APIGet voiceover tracksgetAdd a new voiceover trackpostDelete a voice-over trackdeleteVideo Generation APIStoryboardpostRender VideopostRender Video (PUT)putVideo Summary and Transcription APIVideo-SummarypostTranscription APIpostBulk Video GenerationCreate Template APIpostTemplate Video-Preview APIpostGet All Template APIgetUpdate Template APIputGet Template by IdgetDelete Template by IddeleteBranding - Edit Video White Labelled PageCreate Brand API: Video Summary Whitelabel PagepostGet Brand API: Video Summary Whitelabel PagegetGet Brand by Id: Video Summary Whitelabel PagegetUpdate Brand: Video Summary Whitelabel PageputDelete Brand By Id: Video Summary Whitelabel PagedeleteBranding - VideoRetrieve text stylesgetRetrieve video brandsgetPowered by Create Template APIpost https://api.pictory.ai/pictoryapis/v1/templatesUse this API to upload the pictory webapp project.